Information Fusion of Multi-Vector Real-Time Data Streams for Energy Management in Emerging Power Grids

Fiware Driven Energy COMmunities FOR the FUTURE
The CARDEA project
About us
Politehnica University of Bucharest is the largest (more than 30000 students) and the oldest technical university in the country and among the most prestigious universities in Romania. The academic layer is organised in 15 Faculties spanning electrical engineering, transport, mechanical engineering, computing science and chemical studies. UPB has the mission to bring together education, training and scientific research. It is acknowledged the main role of the university to produce knowledge through scientific research. MicroDERLab is a Research Group at UPB, reuniting teams from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Automation and Control and the Faculty of Power Engineering. It promotes a common research agenda on electrical engineering topics focusing measurements and instrumentation for a faster deploying of the intelligent networks of the future. MicroDERLab has a strong research background in measurement and instrumentation for power systems, including technology for emerging Power Quality concepts in dynamic power system conditions, synchronized measurements for state estimation and WAMCS and is actively involved in several European and national projects and networks. The team contributed to the smart metering deployment strategy in Romania (as one of the partners developing the Smart Metering roadmap, within the former IEE Smart Regions project). Grace to an unique infrastructure (https://erris.gov.ro/
MicroDERLab infrastructure
Power Systems Model Emulator: for power substations, transmission lines, loads and power transformers
Substation measurements for educational purposes, for testing different equipment (PQ analyzers and PMUs).