The main goal of the IoTRAIN project is to achieve the modernization and internationalization of higher education in Iran and Iraq, taking into account the huge changes introduced by Internet technologies in society and business, and to design, develop and enact teaching, peer-production and continuous improvement processes. IoTRAIN is particularly designed to target the growing demand of professional IIoT skills by enhancing the IIoT-related trainings in Iranian and Iraqis HE institutions (HEI). In this regard, IoTRAIN covers a careful analysis of existing and future technological gaps in IIoT and provides required trainings towards improving competitiveness of future Iranian and Iraqis engineers. IoTRAIN delivers an IIoT competence model consisting of the state-of-the-art skills in IIoT at the European and international standard levels. The provided model adopts up-to-date training materials of the European partners of the project and provides necessary high-level training with the aim of improving competitiveness of future Iranian and Iraqi. Furthermore, IoTRAIN delivers a Digital Engineering competence model consisting of the state-of-the-art skills in digitalization for engineers and experts following European and international standards.
Project duration November 2020 – October 2023 (36 months)
Project partners The IoTrain Consortium consists of 12 partners including 4 European, 2 Iraqi and 6 Iranian ones ranging from academia to industry, as listed below. Involvement of non-academic partner, Petanux GmbH (PG), ensures harmonizing academic training with market needs and the necessary skills in the business sector and the European Industrial knolwedge transfer to Iran, as a way to expand employment opportunities of students and internship programs.
The Iranian academic target groups will benefit from this mutual collaboration by strengthening their connections and cooperating on new ideas and activities in research and education. IoTrain will be a fundamental model for further synergies in this regard, through the network built, lessoned learned and experiences exchanged.
Iranian and Iraqi partners:
Within this project our UPB team is responsible for the coordination of Work Package 2 – Course Development:
This WP aims to equip Iranian and Iraqi HE training programs in the domain of the Industrial Internet of Things as driving technology with various applications and benefits. To this end, the previous survey for curricula gap identification in IoT will be used to identify the gaps in the HE trainings. This report will be used to find the requirements and demands of industry and private sectors in IoT considering the most recent advances in the field of IoT both from technological parts and infrastructure, and research directions. The development of the IoT training materials will be in course development hackathons. To educate the training staff, different staff training and mobility events are devised to properly elevate the teaching quality of Iranian staff.
The following tasks will be carried out:
- Development of methodology;
- Development of curriculum;
- Training of teaching staff;
- Establishing of master program, courses and admission policies;
- Establishing of IoT labs.

- Winter School in Ahvaz, 28-31 January 2023, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
- 2nd IoTrain Project Annual Quality Monitoring and Consortium Meeting, 14-16 June 2023, Bucharest, Romania